Illinois Report Cards
On October 27, 2022, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released the annual Illinois Report Card, which provides a detailed look at each school’s progress on academics, student success, school culture and climate, and financial investments.
Due to the pandemic, the state of Illinois has applied and received a waivers concerning summative designations for the 2020 and 2021 school years. The 2022 school year will be the first time in two years that schools will receive a summative designation. A summative designation is a requirement in Illinois under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A school’s rating is based upon a wide variety of data including student achievement, attendance, and graduation rates.
In 2022, five Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 schools earned an Exemplary designation, while the other three were designated Commendable.
An Exemplary designation means that a school is performing in the top 10% of schools statewide, with no under-performing student groups. Lake Zurich High School, Isaac Fox Elementary School, Sarah Adams Elementary School, Seth Paine Elementary School, and Spencer Loomis Elementary School all received this designation.
A Commendable designation means that the school is meeting the current benchmarks set by the state and has no under-performing student groups. Lake Zurich Middle School North, Lake Zurich Middle School South, and May Whitney Elementary School all received this designation.
While measures such as the Illinois Report Card measure certain aspects of schools, District 95 is proud of the progress and direction set by Forward 95, a stakeholder created strategic plan that has guided the work of the district for the past six years. This school year District 95 has begun the process to create a new strategic plan which will guide the work of District 95 for the near future. We are excited to see the work of the District 95 Strategic Planning Committee as it will ensure our students continue to achieve their personal excellence.
View the complete Report Card Data for each of Lake Zurich CUSD 95 schools at