Preschool Information
Preschool Screening
Preschool Screening Process
Because your child’s first 5 years of life are so important, we want to help you provide the best start for your child. Child Find screening is available for any children that live within the Lake Zurich CUSD boundaries between the ages of 3 and 5 years who may benefit from early intervention and special education services.
Lake Zurich CUSD 95 uses the Ages & Stages Questionnaires to screen students. These questionnaires are completed by parents and are available in both English and Spanish. The Ages & Stages Questionnaire – Third Edition (ASQ-3) includes questions about your child’s communication, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problem solving and personal-social skills. The Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional – Second Edition (ASQ: SE-2) includes questions about your child’s social emotional development. Additionally, we will send home a sheet that addresses your child’s articulation (speech sound development).
If you have concerns about your preschooler's development, and would like to have your child screened, please complete the form linked HERE. If you have further questions regarding the screening process, please contact the Student Services Department at 847-540-7060.
At Risk Program
Children who do not qualify for Early Childhood Special Education Services, may be eligible for At-Risk Preschool Programming. The program is designed to provide a preschool experience for children ages 3-5 who are residents of Lake Zurich who qualify due to a variety of factors that may include (but are not limited to) economic need, low performance on the preschool screening, having a primary language other than English, and chronic illness/health concerns. The goal of the preschool is to provide students with a positive, nurturing environment that fosters social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth and development. Children must participate in an At-Risk Preschool Screening process to determine eligibility for the program. Visit the Preschool Screening section on this page for more information.
Little Leaders Preschool
Little Leaders Preschool
Little Leaders Preschool is a blended preschool offered by Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95. Enrollment in the tuition-based program is open to families who reside within the District 95 boundaries. The maximum enrollment in each classroom will be 20 children with one teacher and two paraprofessionals. Each teacher is dually certified. The preschool curriculum is aligned with the Illinois Early Learning Standards as well as District 95’s K-12 curriculum. Children must be 3 years old by the first day of school of the enrolling school year and must be fully potty trained. Parents of the tuition- based program will be expected to provide their own transportation.
The Little Leaders Preschool is a five day a week, two hours and forty-minute (morning or afternoon) program. Tuition is $2,600.00 per school year, which can be either paid in full or in ten equal installments of $260.00. The first installment is due August 15th, 2024. The subsequent 9 payments will be due on the 15th of each month.
AM Session: 8:15 am - 10:55 am
PM Session: 12:10 pm – 2:50 pm
Registration for 2024-25
Registration is now closed for the 2024-25 school year. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please contact Laura Will 847-540-4970 Registration for the 2025 -26 school year will open at the beginning of March.
Lake Zurich High School Little Bears Preschool
The Little Bears Preschool program is located inside Lake Zurich High School. The program is part of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Curriculum. In this program, the high school students are the teachers. High school students enroll in the ECE class, where they learn how to write lesson plans and are given opportunities to teach lessons and organize activities that encourage growth in all areas of development. Preschoolers will learn through various activities including; art projects, math games, sensory tables, story time, puppet shows, and gross motor activities. Everyday is full of fun and learning through play, songs, crafts, and large group activities!
Important Preschool Information for 2024-25 (NEXT School Year)
Preschool runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from about 9:30-11:30. (exact times depend on the latest High School schedule)
Preschool calendars will be sent home with a welcome letter in August
The cost of the preschool is $240 for the year
Tuition is due at the time of registration
Applications are accepted on a first come first serve basis. Health forms must be dated within the last year and be in our possession BEFORE the first day of school
Children must be FULLY potty trained
1. Open ParentVUE and click “Create a New Account” (expand options).
2. Verify that the parent/guardian has not previously enrolled a student in District 95.
3. Review the Privacy Statement.
4. Provide your primary email address.
5. Using the link in the activation email, create a password and activate the account.
1. Log in to ParentVUE and click Online Registration (top right).
2. Select the 2024-25 Little Bears Registration.
3. Review and update all information for any students attending Little Bears. When complete, submit the registration.
Once your registration has been submitted you will receive an email with a link to PushCoin for fee payment, which will complete the registration process.
For billing related questions, please contact the Business Office by emailing
For additional questions, please contact:
Nicole Sharratt, Preschool Director